Rubem Braga and Joel Silveira: Two chroniclers on the front




War chronicles, Rubem Braga, Joel Silveira


Joel Silveira and Rubem Braga were war correspondents during the Second World War who published daily chronicles concerning this specific event. From the collection of Braga's writings came out the book Crônicas da guerra na Itália (1964), and from Silveira's O inverno da Guerra (2005). The aim of this article is to lay out a comparison between the chronicles of both authors, relating the degrees of subjectivity and objectivity in their speech. Thus, as it will be suggested, it is possible to reflect upon the confluence of journalism and literature, newspaper and book, and upon the intersections between the factual and the fictional.


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Author Biography

Camila Marchioro, Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR

Master's student in Literature at the Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR


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How to Cite

Marchioro, C. (2013). Rubem Braga and Joel Silveira: Two chroniclers on the front. Estação Literária, 11, 252–262.



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