The lyricism of consecration in lição de Alice by Astrid Cabral


  • Pollyanna Furtado Lima Universidade Federal do Amazonas



Contemporary literature, Brazilian poetry, Astrid Cabral


Lição de Alice (1986) by Astrid Cabral comprises poems from 1980 to 1983. This study pinpoints the work’s poetic expressivity based on Octavio Paz as it relates poetic form with the experience of the sacred. In line with such a proposal, literary language resources represent the reification of the sacred. Cabral establishes dialogue with Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865) by Lewis Carroll, whose themes are taken up by the author, but assuming specific characteristics. Poems with images of the mouth have been selected (either as a channel of expression or as an instinct of survival) and of tears, symbols of the ambivalent search for transcendence.


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Author Biography

Pollyanna Furtado Lima, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Master in Letters from the Universidade Federal do Amazonas


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How to Cite

Lima, P. F. (2014). The lyricism of consecration in lição de Alice by Astrid Cabral. Estação Literária, 13, 161–175.



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