The marginal characters in Plínio Marcos’s Dois perdidos numa noite suja




Theater, Character, Marginalization, Plínio Marcos, Dois perdidos numa noite suja


The play Dois perdidos numa noite suja, by Plínio Marcos, shows the lives of two characters who live on the social margins. Thus the search for better living conditions causes such fictional beings relations are highlighted by means of aggression who commit and who suffer in their daily lives. This article, based on the study of theatrical character, analyzes the profile of Tonho and Paco on the conflicts of the marginalization in which they are inserted.


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Author Biography

Sergio Manoel Rodrigues, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

PhD candidate in Languages at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, S. M. (2013). The marginal characters in Plínio Marcos’s Dois perdidos numa noite suja. Estação Literária, 12, 358–369.



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