Other bodies, other speeches: The characther of the buffoon as a tool for reading marginal poetry





Marginal poetry, Buffoon, Critics.


Brazilian marginal poetry often has been read from a framework that is based on aesthetical concepts that are incompatible with its production. In this sense, it’s very common that literary critics identify most regularly what this poetry lacks, instead of understanding positively its proposals. No wonder how it came to be described as an incoherent amount of poetics, because there’s no program in it so it could be recognized as a movement, or as a romantic aspiration with no critical
thinking regarding language and poetry. Here, we try to propose through the use of the character of the buffoon as a reading tool another point of view to understand
marginal poetry.


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Author Biography

Lucas Matos, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ

 PhD student in Languages State Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ


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SALDANHA, Carlos Felipe Alves. Ás de colete. 2. ed. Campinas, SP: Ed. Unicamp, 1994.

SISCAR, Marcos. Poesia e crise: ensaios sobre a “crise da poesia” como topos da modernidade. Campinas, SP: Ed. Unicamp, 2010.

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How to Cite

Matos, L. (2013). Other bodies, other speeches: The characther of the buffoon as a tool for reading marginal poetry. Estação Literária, 12, 229–241. https://doi.org/10.5433/el.2013v12.e26219



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