Demonic female: Women In symbolist/decadentist poetry


  • Rinaldo José de Andrade Brandão Universidade Estadual da Paraíba - UEPB



Poetry, Symbolism, Women


The article presents a brief study of female representation of manhood, through the constitutive traits of some characters of symbolist/decadent French poetry. The poems of Baudelaire and Mallarmé analyzed enunciate problems and conflicts that arise from the very poetry making. Thus, issues such as the inadequacy and sterility are located within a framework labyrinth of questions about artistic creation. The image of the possessed woman, whose sensibility clashes with the mediocrity of existence, is in accordance with the state of mind of a "poetic self" ambiguous and modern, so even the margin of aesthetic models and social laws.


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Author Biography

Rinaldo José de Andrade Brandão, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba - UEPB

Teacher / Doctor by the Universidade Estadual da Paraíba - UEPB


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How to Cite

Brandão, R. J. de A. (2013). Demonic female: Women In symbolist/decadentist poetry. Estação Literária, 12, 165–175.



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