The romantic genius and the immortality: Analysis of “Ahasverus e o gênio” and “Mocidade e morte”, by Castro Alves




Castro Alves, Creator genius, Immortality, Literary legacy


The certainty of finitude passes by the lives of all men; however, this does not mean accepting that the ultimate purpose of existence is to die: before, there is rebellion against this. Thus, one of the alternatives to deviate from death is found in art, which is composed by the promise of immortality, in other words, it is the maximum transgression of human condition, it is what enables man to attain equality with gods. Keeping this in mind, this paper aims to articulate the notion of romantic genius and the desire of immortality. In order to understand the relationship between man and legacy and how it represents a gesture of revolt, two poems by Castro Alves were analyzed.


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Author Biography

Laysa Beretta, Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL

Master's Student in Literary Studies at the Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL


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How to Cite

Beretta, L. (2013). The romantic genius and the immortality: Analysis of “Ahasverus e o gênio” and “Mocidade e morte”, by Castro Alves. Estação Literária, 12, 107–122.



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