Pétrus Borel: Path of a “minor” in the french literary scene of the 19th century





Major literature, Minor literature, Petits romantiques, Literary field.


The petits romantiques, a group of French writers and artists of the mid- 19th century, are the representatives with the best credentials for what was called “the school of disenchantment”. Among them, we highlight here the example of Pétrus Borel (1809-1859), also known as the lycanthrope. The work of Borel aligns with the aesthetic current that we name, in depreciation, “frantic”, an exacerbated and subversive branch of the French romanticism. We understand that the contribution of this literary versant considered minor and damned, practically neglected by the anthologies and histories of literature, offers us possibilities to better understand the French literary scenery of the 19th century, for the writers of this minor literature establish a regular and fertile dialogue with their peers, that is, with those we identify as the canonic romantics, or still the great romantics.


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Author Biography

Maria Cristina Batalha, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ

Teacher of Letters at the  Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ


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How to Cite

Batalha, M. C. (2013). Pétrus Borel: Path of a “minor” in the french literary scene of the 19th century. Estação Literária, 12, 86–106. https://doi.org/10.5433/el.2013v12.e26143



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