Philadelpho Menezes and interpoetry: between bits and links


  • Vinícius Silva de Lima Universidade Norte do Paraná



Philadelpho Menezes, Digital poetry, Interactivity


This article discusses the experimental poetic work produced by Philadelpho Menezes with the digital medium, which resulted in the production of CDROM Interpoesia, released in 2000. Featuring the pioneering, design, theory and implementation of the project that introduced interactivity in Brazilian poetry. We understand that every work of Menezes is the result of a fusion of verbal discourse, visual and audible, which further expands with the introduction of digital technology, expanding the poetic language to never exploited environments.


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Author Biography

Vinícius Silva de Lima, Universidade Norte do Paraná

PhD in Literature by the Universidade Estadual de Londrina


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How to Cite

Lima, V. S. de. (2015). Philadelpho Menezes and interpoetry: between bits and links. Estação Literária, 15, 186–205.



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