The conscious pain to exist: an analysis of the poem III of Paulo Henriques Britto


  • Alana Regina Sousa de Menezes Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul



Conscience, Pain, Existence, Language, Poem


This article aims to make a reading of the poem "III", by Paulo Henriques Britto, which integrates the series "Uma doença", from the book Tarde (2007). The perspective adopted is that the poem draws on the established tension around a subjective conflict generated by the idea of pain as the nuclear symptom of the greatest of all diseases – the life. To anchor the analytical course, were used contributions of Candido (2006), in order to study more specifically the text in poetry genre; of Nietzsche (2006), regarding the analysis of the philosophical aspects related to the notions of debility and infirmity infiltrated in human subjectivity.


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Author Biography

Alana Regina Sousa de Menezes, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul

Master's student in Arts at the Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul


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How to Cite

de Menezes, A. R. S. (2015). The conscious pain to exist: an analysis of the poem III of Paulo Henriques Britto. Estação Literária, 15, 147–157.



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