On the way of the masks: a reading of Of death. Minimum odes (2003) of Hilda Hist
Hilda Hilst, Death, Nomination, MaskAbstract
This article intends to analyze some poems naming death in the book <i>Of death. Minimum odes<i> (2003) by Hilda Hilst, considering the questioning reflections that settles in a precarious way, because when trying to say the death, the lyrical I, when installing as "action founder", gives to it a sense that a lot of times had escaped. The death disguises (it disguises), the poem becomes a deadly space, where the voice and the poetic word attaches to names that are revealed disturbing of the unspeakable, remaining the word of the incomprehensibility and the voice of the silence. Everything is frontier. The inadequacy of the language before the death becomes reflection and the desire of capturing the unfathomable mysteries of the death becomes (im) possibility of the “to redo the return trip of the soul to the powder". In this way, this work will promote a study, in the poems XIX and XXIII, about the nomination of the death in them, hoping to notice the representative elements of the death.Downloads
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