Rereading Baudelairians: the critical Lyricism and the postpoetry


  • Erica Milaneze Universidade Estadual de Campinas



Contemporary poetry, French poetry, Maulpoix, Gleize


The critical lyricism and post-poetry are different expressions of the literary landscape of contemporary French poetry. Their main representatives are, respectively, Jean-Michel Maulpoix and Jean-Marie Gleize. Although they have different aesthetic proposals, both the critical lyricism and the post-poetry find a support for their thematic and formal constructions in the reinterpretation of Charles Baudelaire's work. Elaborating the longings of the poet of modernity in a contemporary setting, they indicate new paths for the contemporary French poetry.


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Author Biography

Erica Milaneze, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

PhD in Literary Studies from the Universidade Estadual de Campinas


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How to Cite

Milaneze, E. (2015). Rereading Baudelairians: the critical Lyricism and the postpoetry. Estação Literária, 15, 43–60.



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