Open for balance: time of review in the Brazilian contemporary poetry




Brazilian literature, Contemporary poetry, Self-writing


In Brazilian contemporary poetry, one can note that some authors, such as Paulo Henriques Britto, Antônio Cícero, and Armando Freitas Filho (who established their works during the 1980s and 1990s), take part in a revision of their own lyrical expressions. Such poetic “balances” perform a lyrical assessment of the individual and his/her generation, while also contemplating the common autobiographical expressions in Brazilian literature. Therefore, this paper aims to examine some of these “balances” by considering the hypothesis that it is possible to look back at these authors’ aesthetic evolution, as well as to discuss the ways through which such forms relate to the context.


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Author Biography

Elaine Cristina Cintra, Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Teacher of Literary Studies at the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia


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How to Cite

Cintra, E. C. (2015). Open for balance: time of review in the Brazilian contemporary poetry. Estação Literária, 15, 09–25.



Artigos do Dossiê Temático