Julio Cortázar: between the fantastic and reality, between the poetic and the political


  • Valdenides Cabral de Araújo Dias Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte




Fiction, Commitment, Latin America, Dictatorship


This appraisal of his work produced in the decades of commitment to the socio-political-idealistic causes of South America comes to emphasize the rising of the new man as a utopian being, fragmented through writing, then by the corroboration of tragic facts and, finally, lost among the existential labyrinths, place where the author recognizes man in his power of seeking, as the fundamental element, to modify the panorama of a reality foreseen at a distance. Cortázar, circulating as author-narrator-character succeeded in undertaking an osmoses, a convincing articulation between the fantastic and reality, between the poetic and the political.


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Author Biography

Valdenides Cabral de Araújo Dias, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

PhD in Theory of Literature from the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco


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How to Cite

Dias, V. C. de A. (2014). Julio Cortázar: between the fantastic and reality, between the poetic and the political. Estação Literária, 14, 20–31. https://doi.org/10.5433/el.2014v14.e25883



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