The thread inefficiency: the other side of Cortázar’s maze in Los Reyes




Julio Cortázar, Los reyes, Mythology


The unexpected and accepted that endures, the strange and familiar that is conserved, the unthinkable and the possible that lasts, all of them are related and remain in Los reyes (1949), by Julio Cortázar. In this paper, the known and the unknown live in unusual harmony and exhibit an order in the chaos of inversions, transfigurations and inevitable destinies that are perpetuated. These are the features that stand out in Cortázar’s text, traces of heroes who carry their own monsters and see themselves as the humanized beasts that destroy and which will definitely enable a new narrative built from the wrecks of a new mythological perspective.


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Author Biography

Santo Gabriel Vaccaro, Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul

PhD in literature from the Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul


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How to Cite

Vaccaro, S. G. (2014). The thread inefficiency: the other side of Cortázar’s maze in Los Reyes. Estação Literária, 14, 8–19.



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