Wandering travels: derealization and deletion of the subject in the Madona dos Páramos


  • Carmelita Rodrigues Gomes Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados - UFGD




Errância, Descentramento, Imaginário, Dicke


This work aims at building an analysis of the subject configured in the novel Madona dos Páramos (1982), by Brazilian author Ricardo Guilherme Dicke. I am going to show the double representation of the characters, who, from telluric, strong and brave men, described as a synthesis of the local subject, go through a process of radical physical transformation. They are deformed, reduced, transfused into ambulant skulls and skeletons. Simultaneously, I walk the path of understanding the aesthetic procedures used by the writer to materialize such metamorphoses. The goal is to unveil the meaning of the referred representations regarding man within modernity. Thus, the study is subsidized by texts that bring important discussions on the subject: Texto e contexto (1976), by Anatol Rosenfeld; Identidade cultural na pós-modernidade (2004), by Stuart Hall, among others.


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Author Biography

Carmelita Rodrigues Gomes, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados - UFGD

Master in Letters from the Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados  - UFGD


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How to Cite

Gomes, C. R. (2012). Wandering travels: derealization and deletion of the subject in the Madona dos Páramos. Estação Literária, 10(1Supl), 91–107. https://doi.org/10.5433/el.2012v10.e25840



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