Travel accounts of the amazon river: the others of Carvajal and Almesto




Travel Accounts, Otherness, Contact


This work is about two conquering expeditions that, in the mid-sixteenth century, crossed the Amazon River in search of the mythical legends of Eldorado and also the country of cinnamon. The first, in 1540, led by Gonzalo Pizarro, whose scribe is Dominican Father Gaspar de Carvajal, and another, in 1560, by Governor Pedro de Ursúa, adventure narrated by one of the soldiers of the trip, Pedrarias de Almesto. The way they see and describe the contact zone or the other is the subject of analysis of this study, since it is in the offset that the subject learns not only about the other, but also about himself.


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Author Biography

Rossemildo da Silva Santos, University of Valladolid - UVa

Doctorate in culture and society of the University of Valladolid - UVa


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How to Cite

Santos, R. da S. (2012). Travel accounts of the amazon river: the others of Carvajal and Almesto. Estação Literária, 10(2Supl), 267–275.



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