Grande Sertão: a journey towards the centre




Backland, Mind, Pact, Devil


This article aims at a different understanding of the idea of backland in Grande sertão: veredas. If backland is commonly associated with a defined geographical space, allowing a regional study of the novel in question, this study seeks to conceive backland not as a physical space but as an equivalent of the idea of mind. The objective is to understand, therefore, how the crossing in Grande sertão equates to a journey of the mind. If backland and mind can become interchangeable throughout the novel some issues open for discussion, such as the issue of the pact of Riobaldo with the devil.


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Author Biography

Tatiana de Freitas Massuno, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ

PhD student in Literature at the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ


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How to Cite

Massuno, T. de F. (2011). Grande Sertão: a journey towards the centre. Estação Literária, 8(2Supl.), 131–141.



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