Manoel de Barros: the representations of self and celebration of nothing




Subject, Lyrical, Wonderful, Manoel de Barros.


In this paper, are elected as key objectives to examine the categorization of the poetic subject and reflect on the epiphany of nothing in the lyrics of Manoel de Barros (2010). For inquiring into the lyrical subject, we will use assumptions, namely: Hegel (1997-2007), Dominique Combe (1999), Michael Collot (2004), Wladimir Krysinski (2007) and Michael Hamburger (2007), to think of the multifaceted impact of self-lyrical poetry in the text. Still aiming to ponder settings imagery of the wonderful and the ugly, we will be based in the History of ugliness, of Umberto Eco (2007, in the aesthetics of ugliness applied of Hugo Friedrich (1991), the diction impure in the essay Musa brunette girl, of José Guilherme Merquior (1980).


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Author Biography

Rosidelma Pereira Fraga, Universidade Federal de Goiás - UFG

PhD student in Languages and Linguistics at the Universidade Federal de Goiás - UFG


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How to Cite

Fraga, R. P. (2011). Manoel de Barros: the representations of self and celebration of nothing. Estação Literária, 8(2Supl.), 120–130.



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