Richard Yates: the chronicler of the Age of anxiety revisited
Richard Yates, Revolutionary Road, Historiographic criticismAbstract
The objective of the present text is to historicize the literary trajectory, and its implications, of that who is considered the great writer of the Age of Anxiety, the American Richard Yates (1926-1992). This study intends a review of the critical reception of Yates’s oeuvre, through time as well as ion the present, emphasizing his main opus, the 1961 novel Revolutionary Road. An informed literary historiography that accounts for the greatness of the power of observation and social commentary of the author’s fiction is sought as well.Downloads
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SACHS, Andrea. Revolutionary Road Finds Readers, If Not Viewers. Time, fev.2009. Disponível em:,8599,1879515,00.html. Acesso em: 18 mar 2010.
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