Parody and social inquiry in Nélida Pinõn e Lya Luft




Intertextuality, Parody, Postmodern novel.


This paper analyzes the parody as one of the main aesthetic devices of the Brazilian novel in the late Twentieth Century. Besides being satirical and critical, parody highlights the intertextuality as a legitimate artistic device of the postmodern novel. As corpus, we will analyze the use of parody as criticism to the patriarchal family in novels by Nélida Piñon and Lya Luft. Methodologically, concepts of parody and intertextuality proposed by Linda Hutcheon, Umberto Eco and Eduardo Coutinho are explored.


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Author Biography

Carlos Magno Gomes, Universidade Federal de Sergipe - UFS

PhD in Literature from the Universidade de Brasília - UnB


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How to Cite

Gomes, C. M. (2012). Parody and social inquiry in Nélida Pinõn e Lya Luft. Estação Literária, 9, 238–249.



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