Living after Cesárea Tinajero




Roberto Bolaño, Emmanuel Lévinas, Detective Fiction.


According to Emmanuel Lévinas, the essence of the subject lies in his relationship with the Other, in the form of an ancestral responsibility, which remains even after death. Thus, as the Other dies, the Self experiences a special kind of mourning, a responsibility of the survivor. On this perspective, Roberto Bolaño’s novel Los detectives salvajes, as it modifies the structure of crime fiction narratives, brings back the tragedy to the story, when it recounts in the foreground the death of the poet Cesárea Tijanero. Thereof, it develops another concept of Levinas’, the enigma, a word very familiar to crime fiction: the enigma is the trace of the other, who is always there but never shows himself.


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Author Biography

Raquel Parrine, Universidade de São Paulo - USP

Master's student in the Teoria Literária e Literatura Comparada - FFLCH/USP


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How to Cite

Parrine, R. (2012). Living after Cesárea Tinajero. Estação Literária, 9, 139–154.



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