between memories and traditions in the writing of The book of chameleons, by Agualusa




Tradition, Orality, Memory, Agualusa.


Through writing’s view, Agualusa´s The book of chameleons (2004) makes reflexes of the African traditions to converge. However, that background permeates the vision of a "reinvented tradition". In this sense, the interpretation presented here aims to comprehend influences of this African tradition in the book of the Angolan writer Agualusa, mainly on the oral traits that can be felt in the writing of a metaphorical and wonderful universe that surrounds the figure of a seller of pastimes. Thus, we go through aspects of a transmuted tradition built from a set of memories and identities in the African space.


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Author Biography

Ana Cristina Pinto Bezerra, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRGR

Master's student in Language Studies at the  Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRGR


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How to Cite

Bezerra, A. C. P. (2011). between memories and traditions in the writing of The book of chameleons, by Agualusa. Estação Literária, 8(1Supl.), 132–141.



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