Who listens to the watchmen? a sound study on the filmic adaptation watchmen





Watchmen, Sound study, Filmic adaptation, Graphic novel


Sound can be a tricky aspect in film analysis. Upon watching a movie, people tend to pay attention to visual aspects. Thus, sound is generally forgotten, observed as a merely background to mise-en-scène and narrative. The present discussion raises the relevance of sound in the film Watchmen (2009), adapted from the eponymous graphic novel. The sound analysis based on Bordwell and Thompson’s theory (1996) suggests that the observation of such aspect unveils: (1) the importance of sound phenomenon to the movies; (2) the use of songs to illustrate certain historical situations; (3) a better understanding of the different use of diegetic and non-diegetic sound in fiction.


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BORDWELL, David; THOMPSON, Kristin. Film art: an introduction. 5. ed.. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, 1996.

JACKSON, Blair. SFP: Watchmen. Mix: Professional Audio and Music Production. Disponível em: http://mixonline.com/post/features/sfp watchmen/index1.html. Acesso em: 25 jun. 2010.

MARTIN, Marcel. A linguagem cinematográfica. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 2003.

MOORE, Alan. Watchmen. New York: DC Comics Inc., 1986.

WATCHMEN. Produção de Zack Snyder. Canadá: Warner Bros, 2009.



How to Cite

Marchi, A., Bailer, C., Kremer, M. M., & Kawamoto, M. T. M. (2011). Who listens to the watchmen? a sound study on the filmic adaptation watchmen. Estação Literária, 7, 162–175. https://doi.org/10.5433/el.2011v7.e25653



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