Inversions of paradise: the Dantean guides in Cousin Basilio and Memories Posthumous of Brás Cubas




Tradition, Influence, Realism, Hell


The focus this analysis assumes that the works O primo Basílio and Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas, in obvious irony to the social and moral paradigms, each one making use of specific narrative resources, bring to their fictional core a dialogue with The Divine Comedy, of the Italian poet Dante Alighieri, implied or reported in symbols and quotes. The aim this study is analyze the route of the characters who present themselves as Dantesc guides in the metaphorical journey of driving to Hell in these two exponential works of Portuguese and Brazilian realism


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How to Cite

Prevedello, T. (2011). Inversions of paradise: the Dantean guides in Cousin Basilio and Memories Posthumous of Brás Cubas. Estação Literária, 7, 151–161.



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