Representations of otherness in Rubem Fonseca's short story "o outro" (the other).
Alterity, Identity, Brazilian LiteratureAbstract
This article is a proposal to study the topic Alterity, being based on Eric Landowski and Zygmunt Bauman theories, among others. As a literary example illustrating this issue, there is in Brazilian Literature the short story “O outro”, by Rubem Fonseca. In this narrative, certain conflicts have been identified between two individuals of different social classes that share the same urban space. Issues of identity and non-acceptance of the other present themselves dramatically in the short story and demonstrate the difficulty that the human being has to live with differences.
BAUMAN, Z. Tempos Líquidos. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar, 2007.
FONSECA, R. Feliz Ano Novo. 3. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Agir, 2010.
LANDOWSKI, E. Presenças do Outro. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 2002.
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