Ana in Venice: a tupiniquim response to mannian pessimism


  • Helano Jader Ribeiro Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC



Ana in Venice, Postmodernism, Death in Venice, Thomas Mann


This article aims to analyze, in the novel Ana in Venice, the transformation ocurred under the project of modernity. This is done through a close analysis of one of the three protagonists, the musician Alberto Nepomuceno, and an intertextual dialogue with Thoman Mann’s Death in Venice. Our analysis makes assumptions based on theories of the so-called postmodern condition, which oppose modernity and make attempts of self-assertion. The discourse of denial in relation to Thomas Mann’s pessimism is built from the protagonist.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, H. J. (2011). Ana in Venice: a tupiniquim response to mannian pessimism. Estação Literária, 7, 15–28.



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