Loneliness and Wandering in the Novel Goldfish, by Jean Marie Gustave Le Clézio


  • Luciane Alves Santos Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB




J. M. G. Le Clézio, Immigration, Errancy, Identity


In the work of the French writer Jean Marie Gustave Le Clézio, the theme of wandering and marginalization is inscribed invariably in the debate about the complexity of the identities fragmented by the process of decolonization. From his extensive and varied list of publications, this paper aims at analyzing the novel Peixe dourado, from the violent familiar disjunction and the wandering undertaken by the protagonist in search of her origin sand, consequently, of her true identity.


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Author Biography

Luciane Alves Santos, Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB

PhD student in Languages at the Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB


HALL, Stuart. A identidade cultural na pós-modernidade. Tradução: Tomaz Tadeu da Silva ; Guacira Lopes Louro. 10. ed. Rio de Janeiro: DP&A, 2005.

HALL, Stuart. A questão multicultural. In: HALL, Stuart. Da diáspora: identidades e mediações culturais. Tradução: Adelaine La Guardia Resende et al. Belo Horizonte: UFMG, 2003.

LE CLÉZIO. Jean Marie Gustave.Peixe Dourado. Tradução: Maria Helena Rodrigues de Souza. São Paulo: Companhia Das Letras, 2001.

RIDON, Jean-Xavier. Ecrire les marginalités. Magazine Littéraire, Paris, n. 362, p.39-43, fév. 1998.

SAID, Edward. Cultura e imperialismo. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1995.



How to Cite

Santos, L. A. (2012). Loneliness and Wandering in the Novel Goldfish, by Jean Marie Gustave Le Clézio. Estação Literária, 10(3Supl), 84–93. https://doi.org/10.5433/el.2012v10.e25577



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