Exile and the journey into and out of oneself: the invention of impersonality in mallarmé





Modern poetry, Letters, Impersonality, Translation


Considering some letters written when Stéphane Mallarmé was young, we can see his early days as a poet: during those years in which he worked in small French villages, a period he characterized as exile, his isolation became a journey inside himself, generating, for his works, the discovery of the abyss, of nothingness and of poetic impersonality, something that will be central for all modern poetry.


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Author Biography

Sandra M. Stroparo, Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR

PhD in Literature from the Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR


BERSANI, Léo. La mort parfaite de Stéphane Mallarmé. Tradução: Isabelle Châtelet. Paris: Epel, 2008.

BLANCHOT, Maurice. L’espace littéraire. Paris: Folio, 2007.

BLOOM, Harold (org). Stéphane Mallarmé. Nova York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987.

HEGEL, G. W. F. Lectures on the philosophy of religion introductions and the concept of religion. New York: Oxford University Press USA, 2007.

MALLARMÉ, Stéphane. Igitur ou a loucura de Elbehnon. Tradução: José Lino Grünewald. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1985.

MARCHAL, Bertrand. La réligion de Mallarmé. Paris: J. Corti, 1988.

POULET, Georges. Études sur le temps humain. Paris: PLON, 2006.

REDDING, Paul. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. In: ZALTA, Edward N. (ed.). The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2010. Disponível em: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/hegel/. Acesso em: set. 2011.

SARTRE, Jean-Paul. Mallarmé: la lucidité et sa face d'ombre. Paris: Gallimard, 1986.



How to Cite

Stroparo, S. M. (2012). Exile and the journey into and out of oneself: the invention of impersonality in mallarmé. Estação Literária, 10(3Supl), 39–54. https://doi.org/10.5433/el.2012v10.e25574



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