Nomad variation: Henry Miller, philosophy and the combat against judgment
Nomadism, Henry Miller, Tropic of cancer, Philosophy.Abstract
We discuss Henry Miller's novel Tropic of Cancer based on the concept of nomadism, as coined by Deleuze and Guattari. The relation between philosophy and literature is very productive for both. A phenomenon of dual capture between these two areas that is characteristic of a nomadic thinking: literature that engenders philosophy which, in turn, engenders literature, establishing connections, new relations between terms in a distinct nomad variation that dismisses the classical image of thought of its eminence: a perspective between philosophy and literature as form of discussing the nomadism in Miller's novel. Thus, the linkage between philosophy and literature aims to capture the Millerian paths on this new space of thought, which is achieved by giving up any origin, human or divine, and stands as productive thought that affirms the real in a combat waged against the faculty of judgment, or simply of Judgment, in all its forms.Downloads
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