Violence as a reflex of post-modernism in Rubem Fonseca's Feliz ano novo




Violence, Postmodernism, Rubem Fonseca


Problems such as the traffic of drugs, the consumerism and the loss of the moral values disclose the chaos where the current society restored itself. However, such harms present as resultant the diverse forms of aggression against the human. The violence of the contemporary world is the thematic of the short story of Rubem Fonseca, whose aesthetic goes beyond the mere narrative about the daily problematic. It is in this unsettled context that the rubiano short story admits the critical power and of postmodern narrative.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, S. M. (2010). Violence as a reflex of post-modernism in Rubem Fonseca’s Feliz ano novo. Estação Literária, 6, 33–39.



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