The construction of Razia's identity in Brick Lane, by Monica Ali




Objetification, Subjetification, British black literature


Razia, a bangladeshi woman who moves to London, is analyzed in the novel Brick Lane (2003) by Monica Ali. It is a novel pervaded by characteristics which reveal the cultural traditions of Bangladesh where the women are considered submissive, obedient and naïve. The aim of this article is to verify how the character is represented in the novel and provides her experience in the London Bangladesh community. Results show that the character’s subjectivity is built through the evolution of a submissive woman towards a modern and independent widow, who assimilated western cultural values.


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How to Cite

Silvestre, N. A. C. (2010). The construction of Razia’s identity in Brick Lane, by Monica Ali. Estação Literária, 5, 201–210.



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