Ideology in Brazilian juvenile literature: an analysis of the book Nobody can take it away from me (1994), by Ana Maria Machado


  • Érica Fernandes Unidentified



Ideology, Literature, Interaction


This paper analyzes the representation of ideology in the Brazilian children's literature novel Isso Ninguém Me Tira, by Ana Maria Machado. The objective is to examine how ideology is represented in children's literature in Brazil and how the reader interacts with the text to filter it. The methodology is based on texts that discuss and question the presence of ideological frameworks in children's books developed by Machado, Rosenberg, Chauí, among others. The results show that ideological precepts and helps educating the reader, but does not stand as obstacles to reading when they are subordinate to the aesthetic scope of the work.


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CHAUÍ, Marilena de Souza. O que é ideologia. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1994. (coleção primeiros passos).

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How to Cite

Fernandes, Érica. (2010). Ideology in Brazilian juvenile literature: an analysis of the book Nobody can take it away from me (1994), by Ana Maria Machado. Estação Literária, 5, 130–142.



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