Literature and History - A representation of the post-1964 military dictatorship in Brazil in O que é isso, companheiro? by Fernando Gabeira


  • Elaine dos Santos Not Suggested



Histoy, Memory, Literature, Narrator


Literature and History are written forms of preservation and reevaluation of the people’s past. To read a History under the optics of the literary narrator represents a new possibility of understanding of the historical experience. A violence, a breaking of the human rights had been one practical in Brazil’s dictatorship and, O que é isso, companheiro? is a testimonial narrative allows the reader to find that reality, in the novel, was fiction.


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How to Cite

Santos, E. dos. (2010). Literature and History - A representation of the post-1964 military dictatorship in Brazil in O que é isso, companheiro? by Fernando Gabeira. Estação Literária, 5, 107–118.



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