Maria Luísa and Inês: Bodies under construction. Two female characters by Júlia Nery analyzed from the perspective of gender and corporality theories




Female authorship literature, Gender, Beauty myth, Body


The paper analyses Maria Luísa and Inês characters through the questions that have been introduced around body and gender studies. These questions are frequently presented in and Aquário na gaiola, by Júlia Nery, a Portuguese author. Some ideas from the seminal book of Simone de Beauvoir, The second sex, as well the beauty myth theme, discussed by Naomi Wolf, are approached, in order to give theoretical basis for the analysis.


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How to Cite

Machado, A. R. (2010). Maria Luísa and Inês: Bodies under construction. Two female characters by Júlia Nery analyzed from the perspective of gender and corporality theories. Estação Literária, 5, 38–45.



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