Um lugar para o leitor de poesia




Lecture, Poetry, Freedoms, Opressions.


With his study one intends to consider the place of the poetry’s lector, between freedoms and tyrannies of some literature theories. There would the same of the prose’s lector? There would less freedom to the poetry’s lector, because the needed of specified abilities? In order to search an exemplification to these reflections, it will be used a poem by Quintana, that will be analyzed during the discussion.



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Author Biography

Priscila Finger do Prado, Universidade Franciscana - UNIFRA

Doutorado em Letras pela Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR


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How to Cite

Prado, P. F. do. (2008). Um lugar para o leitor de poesia. Estação Literária, 2, 40–46.



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