Childhood memories: the poetic encounter between Lobivar Matos and Manoel de Barros
Lobivar Matos, Manoel de Barros, MemoriesAbstract
This article aims to promote a poetic meeting with the representation of a rejoining of life. Lobivar Matos and Manoel de Barros were childhood friends who lived in the neighborhoods of the white soil city of Corumbá and, even being from different families, they received the surname Barrros in their birth certificates: one dated from 1915 and the other from 1916. Lobivar, the oldest, had his life shortened when he was only 32 years old, Manoel remains within us. Thus, evoking the memory of the childhood here reinvented by their poetry means to challenge some limits of existence itself. In the paths used by the studies from biographic critics, in its composed nature, these poets’ life and work will be illustrated in some of their experiences.Downloads
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