The descontruction of novel in Confissões de Ralfo, by Sérgio Sant'Anna




Deconstruction, Ralfo´s confessions, Sergio Sant´Anna, Modern novel


Sergio Sant´Anna, in Ralfo´s Confessions, tries to deconstruct the traditional novel genre, “playing” with its structure: time, space, action, likelihood. In the epigraphs, the author contests the value of the narrative text. One of the pointed out by Ralfo reveals that, at the background of his intention, he wants to question what a romance is in fact, thus the own literature, its function and the author’s function. Therefore, this article aims to verify how the author deconstructs the text, affecting the characteristics of the traditional novel by the use of new literary resources, considered by Anatol Rosenfeld as characteristics of the new modern novel.


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Author Biography

Alice Atsuko Matsuda Pauli, Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL

PhD in Literature by the Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL


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How to Cite

Pauli, A. A. M. (2008). The descontruction of novel in Confissões de Ralfo, by Sérgio Sant’Anna. Estação Literária, 1, 4–12.



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